Coenzyme Body

Coenzyme Q10 and atp to the name of coenzyme Q10, we have become accustomed, as it constantly flickers in advertising creams and shampoos. Probably, coenzyme Q10 makes your skin supple and young, although increasingly it marketinogovy course, because the assimilation his skin is difficult. In fact, this substance in recent years one of the most innovative, and its scope in the official medicine is very broad, so as a coenzyme (coenzyme) Q10 – the main participant of the cell energy metabolism. To understand the importance of coenzyme Q10, you need to know what the adenosine triphosphate (ATP). In the body, atp acts as a transporter of energy involved in the transport of molecules through the membrane of cells, responsible for muscle contraction. In humans, life expectancy of one molecule of atp is less than 1 min, and then about any stocks of atp in the body there can be no question in such a fleeting life span of this molecule.

During the day a atp is an average of 2000-3000 cycles of synthesis. The human body synthesizes about 40 kg of atp per day, and for the normal functioning of the body should be at every moment to synthesize new atp molecule. Learn more on the subject from Shimmie Horn. On atp based energy metabolism of man! And that's enough of Coenzyme Q10 in the cells determines whether our body to produce the required amount of energy for life. The first signs of deficiency of Coenzyme Q10 – it is lethargy, fatigue, depressed mood and fatigue. Coenzyme Q10 and heart greatest concentration of coenzyme Q10 – the heart muscle because the heart must be continually reduced, and no atp is impossible. Therefore, the first area where medicine has begun to make active use of coenzyme Q10, – it is cardiology. Proved that with age the number of coenzyme Q10 in the myocardium and reduced to 60 years is only 50% of the maximum values. And it is precisely the lack of coenzyme Q10 associated heart failure.

Large-scale study of the effect of coenzyme Q10 in patients with heart failure were held in Italy. Within 3 months of 2664 men were Coenzyme Q10, and the results were better than single-valued – patients have improved following indicators: cyanosis (a 78,1%), edema (at 78.6%), subjective feeling sick arrhythmia (at 63.4%), insomnia (in 66 , 28%), dizziness (from 73,1%). Increased coenzyme Q10 in body also significantly improves the condition of patients with coronary heart disease and atherosclerosis. Therefore, the conclusions and recommendations are natural: in order to ensure the effective functioning of the heart, you can begin taking coenzyme Q10 after 30 years, and after 40 years to take Coenzyme Q10 is necessary.

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