
/ P> Queen Cleopatra, as you know, so that her skin was velvety, silky and supple, took a bath with milk, honey and herbs. In the arsenal of modern women are much more ways to keep the skin toned, young and elastic. One of those ways is photorejuvenation – ultramodern technique of laser rejuvenation without sanding. It is based on skin exposure of intense light output, which stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, eliminating wrinkles, vascular formation and pigmentation. Perhaps check out Gensler San Francisco for more information. For such a procedure has its own advantages and disadvantages, chief among them is not all affordable cost.

Also there are a number of contraindications, including pregnancy, cancer, blood diseases related to clotting, photodermatosis, keloid disease, acute febrile illness. Most popular this method due to its obvious advantages, among them the important place that it is not invasive procedure in which there are practically no side effects and pain. Also, photo-rejuvenation – is Fast (you can have time to undergo the procedure at lunchtime) and a complex method of rejuvenation, it means that during one procedure, you can correct several deficiencies skin. See more detailed opinions by reading what Shimmie Horn offers on the topic.. The main requirements for This cosmetic procedure, and indeed all others is the professionalism of the doctor performing the procedure and the quality of the equipment.

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