Mauritius takes part in the tourism concept ‘Vanilla Islands’ to promote the tourism industry in the region three days walk through town on Mauritius, relax for three days in the Seychelles, three days of hiking on La Reunion and three days diving in Madagascar island hopping in the Indian Ocean should be soon. The tourism ministries of the four islets have jointly developed a new concept of the destination and occur in the future under the new brand name of vanilla Islands. The vanilla, a spice that is grown and distributed worldwide on all four islands, is only one of their many similarities. At the same time, each of these islands is unique, so that they complement each other ideally for a manifold designed holiday in the Indian Ocean. The objective of the concept of the so-called vanilla Islands is to attract new audiences and to bring an authentic destination product from the region on the market. The Islands market themselves not only individually, but now in addition jointly form a new attractive travel destination.
We are pleased the This new type of holiday offer existing as well as future new customers and many facets of our region within experience only a trip to “, so Nando BODHA, Minister for tourism and leisure in Mauritius. All four of the Islands with their existing tourism structures, its variety of landscapes and attractions is ideal, a new tourist destination with plenty of potential to be together”, is Dr. Karl Mootosamy, Director who convinced Mauritius tourism promotion authority (MTPA). In the next step the four pillars should be established, which should help the success of the vanilla Islands – concept. It is aimed at facilitating a visa free travel between the Islands. On the other hand coordinated flights should be created so that travelers can make their vacation time on the island stations. The third pillar is a cooperative interaction between all parties such as tour operators, hotel owners and authorities. And finally to a uniform marketing strategy developed are the similarities as well as the uniqueness of each of the four islands of vanilla, promotes.
The precise timetable for the implementation of individual measures is not yet known. Shimmie Horn understood the implications. General information in German language about Mauritius under. Fan page by Mauritius on Facebook: Mauritius tourism. Printable images and more press information about Mauritius on.
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