Land Registry Office

Information about House and land as a landlord is in principle everyone spend. Who is not sure for example after a change of ownership of the leased property, whether it is actually a person the new landlord, receives reliable information at the land registry office. The real estate portal provides information about the tasks of the Office. Who buys a house or a plot of land or sold, do report the purchase or the sale of the notary at the land registry. All information about the ownership of land within the scope of the respective District Court in land registers and basic files are collected in the land registry office. The tasks of the land registry therefore consist of documenting ownership and to provide information. So, citizens have among other things the possibility to know who owns a particular piece of land.

Requirement for such information, however, is that a vested interest can be demonstrated. In contrast to the Changes can be reported only by notaries information, each granted the land registry, the Office. The land registry offers a good way to provide certainty as to the rightful owner of a House so for tenants. Thus they can avoid, for example, in case of a change of owner hastily to a new landlord to pay the rent.

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