Nutritional Food Tips

Always thinking about propitiating nutritional food tips, blog Welfare Izumi brings you practical and cheap prescriptions, with one of the ingredients of bigger benefit for the human metabolism: the yoghurt. It takes note! Frozen cream of coconut with yoghurt, almonds and pineapple Ingredients: 1 natural yoghurt pot 3 xcaras of tea of sugar 1/2 coconut milk glass 1 small cool coconut ralado 1 xcara of almond tea 1 colorless gelatin envelope without flavor 1 xcara of tea of cool milk cream 5 water soup spoons to hidratar the gelatin cool or golden Straps of coconut to decorate Way of Hidrate preparation the gelatin with the 5 water spoons and melts in bath-Maria and leaves in a container the pair. In as a receiving one, it places the yoghurt, the milk of coconut, the sugar, the ralado coconut and the cool milk cream, in this in case that it is not necessary to beat chantilly. It mixes them of gradual form one by one. In the end, it adds a part of almonds and the hidratada gelatin. To mount In a great goblet or small individual, it intercalates layers, part of the cream and the pineapple cut in cubes.

It has led to the refrigerator for 4 hours. After to freeze, decorates with golden straps of coconut and almonds. To dourar the coconut straps Cut the coconut in straps and places in assadeira. It has led to the oven until them to dourarem. Edward J. Minskoff Equities spoke with conviction. It does not leave to visit the site: Izumi well-being

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