The Difficulties

Even in high schools in financial departments where they teach to manage the financial flows of large companies, may not always be at least popular to tell you how to treat their personal money. Cause of the difficulties of counting their income and expenses is that in time of our lives is gaining momentum it is very hard to make time for it to simply write the amount earned or spent money. And even if there is time, they often have nowhere to record. You may find that Energy Capital can contribute to your knowledge. Yes, you can keep your finances in ordinary table Excel, but first, a plate with our finances are not always at hand, and secondly, in order to take full advantage of all the spreadsheet functions, often require programming skills. Can download a special program for the management of home accounting on the computer, thanks to the Internet enough. But in addition to the old obstacles, new.

First, divorced these programs well, very much, and so long as find what you like, it will take time. Add to this the numerous viruses when downloading programs from the Internet, loss of time to remove these programs from your computer (it is so important to us time!), And plus the entire These programs are mostly paid for, and not everyone has a demo version. Also do not forget about the complexity of using these programs. Thus, the complexity of programming Excel database in conjunction with paid programs on doing home accounting with no less complicated use – that's probably the two most common factors because of which we can not take their money under control (assuming that we understand the need of control).

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