The Materials

For not having the use of the games, because I was not developed with the games (LS). The knowledge of the games, if the professor will not have the knowledge will not know to work with the games and will place the games alone to play (ME). You to waste a didactic material that is ' ' games matemticos' ' to play, instead of being elaborated an excellent and objective lesson of mathematics (SM). The difficulties are innumerable, therefore professor to give a lesson to it with games is necessary that it knows what is teaching (HS). The difficulty starts for the proper professors, for not knowing to manipulate the concrete materials. However, many times had not learned to manipulate and with this as it can pass to the pupil what it does not know (LE).

In another citation, the short time for education, the loss of the parts of the materials for the pupils and the direction of the school does not allow that they catch the materials to work with the pupils. Lorenzato (2002, p.60) affirms that in the truth, the concrete materials are didactic resources that strong intervene with the education process learning; as any instrument (…), the consequences of its use depend on the professional uses who them. He adds Freire (1996, p.95) as professor is not possible to help educating me to surpass its ignorance if I do not surpass mine permanently. I cannot teach what not I know. 4,2 Function of the games facilitates to the learning the function is to become more easy the learning of the pupils through the tato and to help the pupils to understand better disciplines it (IM). Pupil stimulates the logical reasoning it, and it better learns when handling the concrete of what to only see the abstract (abstract education) (EC). The explanations on the didactic function are to learn, however the majority of the professors only uses to pass the time in the pertaining to school work, the logical blocks is directed to repass the geometric forms and to awake in the pupils the logical reasoning with the previous knowledge and the theoretical contents (abstract) with objects (concrete), thus making possible a significant learning.

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