College Dulce Sister

The universe of the research was composed for pupils of the alfabetizao of the College Dulce Sister, with age between five and six years, where if it has children of some social levels, thus giving a more coherent vision of the subject. Searching to specify as the communication it acts excessively in the mind of this new generation, acting in the behavior change. The worked sample was of 56,6% of the universe of pupils and its respective responsible parents or. The comment of the behavior evaluated to each was used for collections of data twenty minutes in the classroom and application of closed questionnaires with the half-open pupils and with the parents of these pupils, beyond pertaining to school the object listing used by the same ones. The comment was given of simple form, being a distant expectador of the group and without interaction, which wrote down the predominant behavior of subject to each twenty minutes.

The questionnaires possuam five objective questions, in which the respondent citizen made choice between the presented alternatives and its parents had answered four objective procedural questions and one of subjective form, in which the citizens had expressed its respondent opinions. The object listing was made with the presence of the teacher in the interval of the lessons, where if it wrote down the objects that had figures of personages of the television, as: livened up super-heroes, drawings, novel personages, amongst more. After the collection of the data, the same ones had been dealt with discrete quantitative form. Being used the statistical method to quantify and to represent them, thus making the correlation of the results with the theoretical sustentation of the authors mentioned in elapsing of the research, presenting Yes, in some cases. Why the child is learning the things, then everything that it sees or listening, pra it is an example.

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