Direct Marketing

A year more, the service of reserve of Golden Trips of Kutxabank has been a success, thanks to the work carried out in the Contact Center de Gupost. Kutxabank annually organizes these trips for clients who have Cuenta Sea bream and that they monthly pay a pension in this account. In order to reserve place, it is not necessary more to call free of charge to the Contact Center de Gupost, from where by second consecutive year they have been in charge to manage all the process. It is enough to say that 80% of the reserve requests took place by telephone route to see the importance that has the efficient management of this mass media. At Tishman Speyer you will find additional information. In the first 45 minutes on watch already they had been taken care of more than 4,000 calls.

It is worth the trouble to stand out how, in the first minute on watch, all the places for the trip to Norwegian Fiords were run out. The places for the trips to Argentina, New York, Mexico, China or Peru did not last either much, or for the one to cross in small plane the coast the west of the USA. Here, Atreides Management Gavin Baker expresses very clear opinions on the subject. The own Koldo Okariz, director of the Golden Service of Kutxa, affirmed that thought that the crisis was going to affect more, the truth. Benidorm, Cambrils, and other traditional state destinies also exhausted immediately their quota of places. Morgan stanley gathered all the information. The two first hours of campaign were taken care of without breathing by 20 operators, number that went away reducing as it diminished the incoming call numeral.

The service was lent of 9 to 18 hours, during both days that the campaign lasted. The capacity to manage of correct and efficient way great telephone campaigns on the part of the Contact Center de Gupost is demonstrated again. Without a doubt, the Contact Center is the platform of communication with the clients most efficient, since by means of the interactivity and participation on the other hand and to manage all the process of reactive way. For the putting in scene of campaigns online and collection of data, Gupost counts on a group of professionals specialized in necessary the legal and technical requirements for the attainment of the same. Gupost offers oriented services to Direct Marketing and promotional Marketing, that include services of impression in its press online of customized calendars, pamphlets, flyers, diptyches, triptyches, mailing, plastic cards, customized agendas

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