Applied Scholastics International utilizes this successful teaching by L. Ron Hubbard and this provides people all over the world to L. Ron Hubbard middle of the last century already recognized the far-reaching impact of declining education levels and a declining literacy in society. He saw that illiterate or functionally illiterate, because they found no work and their chances were denied, often as criminals or even drug addicts end up. For this reason, investigating L.
Ron Hubbard in the 1950s, the area of learning and crystallized the exact causes, which are decisive for success and failure in learning. In large parts of the world, access to education is missing entirely. About 80 percent of the 113 million children not in school, be deterred by poverty and civil wars of the school. 24 Percent to 40 percent of the children in the school age go to school go in Africa South of the Sahara, in South and West Asia, as well as in the Arab States and North Africa. To resolve the failure of the education system, began L. Ron Hubbard a true technology”to develop a method of learning, which you can use to learn each subject. These breakthroughs in the field of education are worldwide known as the Hubbard learning method.
This method gives the component that is largely missing in the formation of modern learners of all ages: to learn how to learn. L. Ron Hubbard has shown due to its comprehensive discoveries in the field of education, it is quite possible to save failing or inaccessible systems and to give hope to illiterate worldwide. He also successfully has shown that it is possible to teach these people to read and write and to make them knowledgeable so that they can contribute successfully in our society to the life and the culture. L. Ron Hubbard described the objective in the field of education as follows: it is the purpose and goal of any society, if it goes to the issue of education, the ability, the initiative and the cultural level and thus the excess life level of each company to hold up.” Applied Scholastics International utilizes this successful teaching by L. Ron Hubbard and provides these people all over the world. The goal of Applied Scholastics is, education in the truest sense of the word. The purpose is not only to help learners to overcome learning difficulties and obstacles, but to empower people, to learn independently and to take self responsibility for their learning and their education. The successful learning of the Hubbard method to meet international demand, Applied Scholastics 2003 opened a training center in Spanish Lake at St. Louis in the U.S. State of Missouri. This facility, on 40 acres, is now applied Scholastics International Headquarters. It is the first college for studying the Hubbard learning method and a training centre, trained now 135,000 educators in this way of learning who pass on the excellent knowledge to their students. More information: Uta Eilzer
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