Special Education

We the same follow in day a lesson of the teacher and the affection was really evidenced with that it gives to its lessons and its professional capacity while. It passes an activity in the book of sciences where the pupils must from some letters to form names of animals. The pupils obtain to say the names of the animals through the signals and drawings. It places the names in the picture and calls some pupils to read. The deaf pupils had participated with much enthusiasm of the lesson and had obtained to form many words. According to teacher the preconception on the part of the colleagues does not exist, therefore they keep friendships equally stops with the deficient ones, them until if they communicate through signals and they played together with its colleagues. SHE ANALYZES OF the DATA From the data collected during the interviews with teachers, pupil and Coordinator of Special Education of DIREC 20, was perceivable that although to have in the School of Application a service of attendance to the pupils special, still the PNE and the LDB exist many deficiencies to adjust it, therefore when is mentioned to the attendance of the pupils special of physical deficiency, is difficult the access of the same ones which had the lack of slopes and bathrooms where was registered that in the visited school it does not have such conditions of adaptation for those that they use the chair of wheel for if moving. Another problem boarded in the research for the professors, it was the lack of pedagogical resources that would have to be used in the accomplishment of the work and this was sufficiently clearly during the visits, therefore the rooms does not have no resource to facilitate the work of the teacher who has in its classroom pupils with auditory deficiency. To weigh of the teacher who works in the room of support with deficient appearances to have some devices, the school, in the generality, still leaves very to desire.

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