Switzerland GPS

Outdoor corporate events with intelligent GPS support mobile phones with a new software developed in the Switzerland for GPS supported phones can be performed to multimedia, interactive outdoor games for corporate events with a focus on team building, training, and motivation. Different teams complete a post course, a scavenger hunt or treasure hunt competing against each other or in collaboration. The participants must carry out tasks in the team and be accompanied by the GPS of supported smartphones. The phones support the team during the games in finding posts and automatically detect the arrival via GPS. They give tips, tasks, check the answers and respond to it. You talk to the team, play sounds and music, images, measure times and shoot even photos. An exciting and unforgettable experience are combined on an interesting and varied way of team-building and training and mediated in a motivating way or even very undemanding – easy. The multimedia outdoor games be carried out by specialised event organisers in the whole Switzerland and can easily be cut to the individual wishes of the customer..

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