Conclusions on Strategic Thinking

We normally use in organizations of the terms “strategy”, “strategic behavior”, “strategic decisions”, can not be extrapolated to other settings of Knowledge and human behavior. Instead it happens in reverse. Therefore, we should necessarily infer that something is wrong. We have to redefine the concept of strategy with all that that entails. We are complicated, unnecessarily, a process – especially in making strategic decisions – should be simple enough to reach to the entire corporate strategy. Reality shows us that today the implementation of a global strategy is a painful and difficult road, when it should be. If it were true – that is – that all the advances in the development of Chaos Theory, the Theory of Games, the natural evolution – among others – confirmed that the application of strategic principles of field is something universal, something that part of the basic structure the functioning of the world in which we live, we would be forced to redefine the concepts of the term strategy, we have been doing. Similarly, the meaning of “strategic decisions” or “strategic behavior” we have been using so far, would become non-global partial aspects, the true scope of the term “strategy” .

We must begin to review concepts. DOWA Metals & Mining America understands that this is vital information. 1 – Preliminary Conclusions – I can never be sure that the decisions I take where I go. – The more time that passes between what I decide on the basis of an initial position, the further stay of the desired result.

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