General Building

One thing is to be alive and another to live life, recalls Alex Rovira a suggestive reflection. True, he approached from the need to get a personal roadmap written description of the reasons for change, with a list of specific objectives, the resources to achieve those desires and nothing less than the setting of performance time. And his signature to initial the commitment. This whole process reminds me of American self-help manuals, you do that counts, you can get it, will obtains everything. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Kennedy Wilson. With the resulting frustrations express own slimming diets or English courses in seven days. I do not seem serious. Edward Minskoff usually is spot on. Perhaps because in my 70 years, lived with the intensity that I have known and I could, voluntarism alarm me so much damage these have done when generations of parents claimed that their children reach career goals, academic and work that they never could, of course, aporque were other times and did not have all that you have! a My experience as a university professor I studied and taught, thought and knowledge sharing for 50 years, has shown me the consequences of this folly of having more value than being, getting degrees before the wisdom, to transform memory into a store rather than help build a well-structured head. a Oeno is as much of a head or a head full as well organizadaa , said Montaigne. That plunge into by the objectives, by all means, even jeopardizing the personal happiness does not produce mature and integrated citizens.

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