Miser Pays Twice !

The situation on the real estate market is constantly changing. There are new proposals, is increasing the quality of housing prices are balanced and come into effect more perfect legislation regulating the main provisions commercial hiring of living space. Shimmie Horn understands that this is vital information. Simultaneously, the domestic market is filled with dubious services of news agencies and 'black brokers "who are ready for a small percentage of the transaction to choose the most advantageous variant of the apartments. But in the latter case, the tenant risks remain, not only homeless, but without money for living space. Search for housing through friends and relatives. In this case, you will be able to rent an apartment much cheaper, and also to rid themselves of legal formalities and niceties.

Rent is based on mutual trust and honesty, so the need to conclude a contract and issuance of receipts is eliminated. But this kind of rental apartments has a significant drawback – the payment for housing. The hosts may increase the price or a tenant may have problems with timely payments. Self-selection of apartments. Private messages can be found in print, online and leaflets. You'll spend a lot of time and effort on a personal relationship with each arendotalem, view apartments. ps Also have been known cases where an apartment or room was commissioned in 1910, and even 15 kvartirasemschikam.

The most reliable way of renting an apartment is cooperation with a qualified agency. The main problem here is the selection of the company, as there are many firms-by-night. Such companies offer "fast and cheap 'housing on the same day, but neither one nor the other customer receives. In the pilot agencies, specializing in deposit and rent apartments, work only by experts. They have considerable experience in this area and can give educated advice. Services real estate agents – this is a profitable investment of your funds, because real estate companies interested in maintaining their reputation and maintaining loyal customers, especially in the face of fierce competition.

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