Tag Archives: energy

Electricity Generation

3rd German Stirling Congress within the framework of the CEP CLEAN ENERGY & PASSIVEHOUSE 2010 the Stirling engine has in recent years increasingly in the focus of the analysis moved. Main reason for this is its good suitability for the … Continue reading

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Result Of The Climate-neutral Weeks On The Postprint Berlin Announced 2,100 Euros For Climate Protection – ODS GmbH

News from the Office data service GmbH the climate-neutral weeks of ODS – Office data service GmbH, which ran from 6 April to 7 may (end of the fair the postprint Berlin), a remarkable result achieved, which benefit from a … Continue reading

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Environmental Protection Project

Runge mining school makes an Alliance environmental project in Gelsenkirchen together the children explore the local flora and fauna on Mt. Runge and learn a respectful dealing with nature, animals and each other. With the llamas, the whole thing is … Continue reading

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Post DHL Deutsche

With the GoGreen initiative DHL lwird an active contribution to climate protection done long inflame discussions on topics such as climate change or global warming everywhere. As the main cause of increased CO was commonly called emissions m, which general … Continue reading

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No Change In Energy Policy Without Deep Geothermal Energy

There was optimism due to previous operating experience with geothermal plants at the 8th International Geothermiekonferenz. Freiburg, 30.05.2012 – from the experience learning and tackle the challenges that could be the conclusion of the IGC 2012, are the international Geothermiekonferenz, … Continue reading

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