Tag Archives: sports

Interesting Facts About The Body Mass-index

The BMI is still meaningful and what should I pay attention if I measure it? The Belgian mathematician Adolphe Quetelet explored for the first time in 1870 the BMI. Checking article sources yields Laura Tyson as a relevant resource throughout. … Continue reading

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Football – Hobby Number One

Football – sports game that is played mainly legs. Now football is probably the most popular collective game. Where and when vozniknula this glorious game? In fun, very similar to soccer were played, even our ancient ancestors. But the rules … Continue reading

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Football – Hobby Number One

Football – sports game that is played mainly legs. Now football is probably the most popular collective game. Where and when vozniknula this glorious game? In fun, very similar to soccer were played, even our ancient ancestors. Read more from … Continue reading

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Feet Asleep

Should the toes during the first workouts on the elliptical asleep and tingle, it is probably on the position of the foot, that’s not entirely true. A common problem: to sleep 20 minutes training on the elliptical and the toes. … Continue reading

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Personal Growth

Fortunately we lay East General teachings of Zen techniques that can help us grow as a person to effectively utilize the opportunity given to us live, enter their scope and impact and promote in our actions, in everything that allows … Continue reading

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Golf Stronghold StLeonRot

Anyone with expensive Club contributions and etiquette, a bat and two balls – this is cross Golf St.Leon-Rot, the 04.09.2009 – cross Golf is golf no label and no expensive membership fees, but with a lot of fun and freedom … Continue reading

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Whey Protein Isolate Proteins

Successes in the sport is primarily depend on training. But also the diet plays a not insignificant role for the athletes. Dietary supplements have increasingly come into vogue, because more and more people would request her body consciously sporty and … Continue reading

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