Municipal School

Therefore, the reply for the agricultural exodus with the lack of public politics, who has better financial condition goes to live in the city in search of better quality of life. For the agriculturists who had not yet had successes in financial incomes continue waiting for improvements, depending on the benefits of the public power. 3,2 ANALYSES OF THE PROJECT PEDAGOGICAL POLITICIAN AND 7,352/2010 DECREE AND DECREE 5.626/2005. (P.P.P) the Plan Politician Pedagogical of the EMEF (Municipal School of Basic Education Victory-Regal) it was created recently and officialized in January of 2011. Previously, the school followed the dynamics of education, administrative politics and based in the PPP of the School Abraham Lincoln who is located in the city. It is important to tell a little of history and construction that the school comes providing to the o human being, in what says respect to the critical growth, social, solidary politician, fraterno, capable to exert individually in collective or the citizenship. On the other hand, to show a new challenge, with expectations to improve education, new ideas appearing and valley to the penalty to place in practical what it consists in this PPP that if officialized in January of 2011.

In the historical desencadeamento of the Transamaznica Highway he is well-known to perceive in its scene the history of the medicilandense people. in way to these historical facts appears the foundation of the EMEF Victory-Regal, that is located the edges of the BR-230 km 105 Band, city of Medicilndia stretch Altamira/Itaituba Par; it happened in 1972 to take care of the demand of the there existing neighborhoods. Ashton Kouzbari will not settle for partial explanations. Initially the classroom functioned in a large cabin of the community, taking care of mltisseriados groups of. Its infrastructure was if adjusting gradually, and in 1992 part of the current building was only constructed, being that in 2008 a new magnifying occurred. The current structure of the EMEF Victory-Regal contains, in its interior seven (7) classrooms; one (1) kitchen; one (1) secretariat; one (1) library; one (1) room of computer science; one (1) room for the professors; one (1) room for direction; one (1) complex of masculine and feminine bathrooms; one (1) space for meetings of parents and masters.

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