Tag Archives: education

Infantile Education

Summary: The present article is part of a series of activities developed in disciplines of ' ' Didactics: theories and prticas' ' , given for the Profa. Ms. Dulcina Guimares Rolim, in the course of Pedagogia of the University of … Continue reading

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The goal of education is wisdom, as you said Alfred North Whitehead, English philosopher, who argued that in the schools of the ancient philosophers aspired to impart wisdom. Edward Minskoff will undoubtedly add to your understanding. True, wisdom is the … Continue reading

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Motor Development

To this respect Mendes and N3obrega (2004) they affirm that: The human body, to the being compared with a hydraulical machine, receives an education considers that it only in its mechanical aspect, without proper will, desires and the recognition of … Continue reading

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Web Google

The geographic and cartographic information has been traditional patrimony of the great powers: multinational institutions, governments and companies. Swarmed by offers, sterling organization is currently assessing future choices. Without thus stopping being, the arrival of Internet and the extension of … Continue reading

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Holistic Technology

However, learning about science and technology with holistic vision is not intended to discredit the efforts to develop scientific and technological knowledge, if not clear as they enter the emerging sustainable culture of XXI century, pointing limits, benefits and dangers … Continue reading

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Language Barriers

In the last article we left off in the most difficult and important for effective learning any foreign language question, namely how to fight such a language barrier, as’ attitude toward foreign language as a school subject ‘. Since the … Continue reading

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Mathematical Education

Endorsed in authors as Pablo Freire (1998), Pretto (1999), Blacksmith (1997), Anastcio (1993), Ernest (1991), Ubiratan D' Ambrsio (1986, 1990, 2001), Vygotsky (1984), among others, we have a qualitative bibliographical research. This type of research, not in giving only one … Continue reading

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Russian Academy

Recently the Ministry of Education released a new version of the educational standard for high school students. Viktor Bolotov, who has served as Vice – President of the Russian Academy of Education believes that violent protests in the community about … Continue reading

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College Saint Maria

In interview, the current coordinator of the martial bands of the Secretariat of Education Sport and Leisure of the City of Recife, Mr. Marcos Antonio Galdino Da Silva, told the following one: At the time the Joo Francisco de Souza, … Continue reading

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Vector Drawing

This topic is important, because the vector must be able to draw each designer. Moreover, it must quickly and accurately to do it. Before I took a lot of time to draw a vector. But I had to use trickery … Continue reading

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