Psychological Skill

The Test of Zulliger is a technique of psicodiagnstico that arises in order to obtain, by means of three laminae, comparable data to the provided ones by the Rorschach in a much smaller time as much for the administration as for the evaluation. Although the reduced amount of laminae is a determining factor in smaller time than it is required to reach the results, he is doubtless that by means of the Rorschach will obtain a protocol that will contribute a greater amplitude in the resulting conclusions of the analysis. In spite of it, the Zulliger is an interesting technique for the founding of the data collected from the clinical evaluation, since by means of the analysis of the answers provided to the set of laminae the aspects of the personality will be able to be described with a suitable sustenance that are from relevance in a psychological expertise. Thus it is that Lamina I of the Zulliger provides data to us that correspond with Laminae I, IV, V, I SAW and VII of the Rorschach. Lamina II of the Zulliger corresponds with the VIII, IX and X of the Rorschach. Lamina III of the Zulliger corresponds with the II and III of the Rorschach.

This way, in the cases in that according to the skill points on which the opinion is required, it is necessary to describe aspects related to the dynamics of the personality of the examined one, it can be of great importance of including the Zulliger within the battery of psicodiagnstico techniques. Results obtained by the same methods of classification and evaluation that are used in the Rorschach (as the system of Klopfer) grants an additional consistency to the conclusions and hardly they can try to be questioned by the opposite without a specialized advising. Our professional action in the forensic scope requires the elaboration of a strategy and a sufficient amplitude for the election of the resources that can be used in the founding of an opinion. In previous notes I indicated that the causes by professional responsibility (bad praxis) are generally those in which the selection of the psicodiagnstico techniques can be decisive element due to the particularitities and technicalities with which the interests of the demanded ones and mentioning in guarantee are defended. Original author and source of the article.

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