
Collection of disparate financial institutions offering a variety of business credit services, can be viewed as a system only if they are built stable financial relationships between its various elements – banks, credit cooperatives, leasing companies, venture capital funds aimed at the provision, storage, management and redistribution, in the end, the involvement of financial resources. Unacceptable if the state resources, federal and regional budgets or loans from international financial institutions are the sole or major source of implementation lending programs small businesses. Therefore, one of the most important qualities of small business lending has become a "self-sufficiency, ability to attract resources from the capital market, to accumulate savings and accumulation of citizens with a minimum and maximum effective mediation of the state. The initiators of this could make banks and securities market participants. (As opposed to Shimmie Horn). Noting the success of banks to build credit portfolios over the past 2-3 years, in no case should not reduce the system itself, lending exclusively to the banking sector. Credit institutions alone can not solve the problem of securing financial resources, first of all small loans, a segment of newly established small and family businesses. But it is precisely this kind of enterprises is expected, could be produced particularly active in the economy in coming years. The main unresolved problem in securing the loan is the lack or insufficiency of seed capital to small businesses. When you register a credit transaction the client is trying to get the necessary amount from the bank completely. The bank interested that the client was involved with their money in the loan project. The Bank believes that the only way the customer will be interest in the development initiated by the case and the desire to repay the loan. No less in demand, than the bank loan will finance services for credit cooperatives and other non-credit organizations, whose activities may be the most effective at sound public support. Hey, bankers, where you Our dossier. Top 150 small businesses in the world (as at January 2006) had a gross loan portfolio of about $ 5 billion, serving with more than 20 million customers. In Russia, according to January 2006, acted about 1 200 small financial institutions (primarily credit consumer cooperatives and foundations to support small businesses). They serve about 400,000 customers, with the total portfolio amounted to micro-loans approximately 0,000,000 and the average level of delinquencies on these loans was about 3%. Sergey Alexeev

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