Tag Archives: internet & multimedia

Audio Streaming In The Everyday Application

Applications such as Internet radio and IP telephony for audio streaming which is term “Audio Streaming” audio streaming one for many people still relative unknown term that means, that are continuously transmitted audio data over the Internet. That is used … Continue reading

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New Explanatory Video

The completely new autograph cards are represented in the 90-sec. video. The explaining video explains the product, represented the audience, and the benefits described. Munich, the 12.03.2012. News from erklarvideo.de. The media services company produced a video to showcase the … Continue reading

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Digital Care Support

An ambient assisted living system to support dementia patients and their caregivers digital care support is a so called ambient assisted living system that supports people with dementia and their relatives by mobile and digital technologies and sustainably increase the … Continue reading

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The Web Portal Wheelchair Accessible Mobile Looking For Accessible Hotels In Germany

Accessible hotels in Germany searched In June 2009 Markus Lemcke has put online the Web portal accessible mobil.info. Target this Web portal is accessible hotels, restaurants, pubs and handicapped parking spaces in all Germany to collect. Markus Lemcke, a specialist … Continue reading

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An Internet Platform For The Practical Implementation Of A Direct Democracy

Why empowered people can decide themselves about their future? Practical description of the idea on the basis of a scenario: the following scenario to demonstrate you how mature people who competently networks participate, participate actively in the relevant decisions and … Continue reading

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Thorsten Online

PSV online and FILMHAUS motion GMBH, units of psv marketing, on the 2nd suppliers exhibition engineering Sudwestfalen, SIEGEN. Advertising, many posters and ads thinking. With the Internet and modern technologies are new and some amazing opportunities available. But what is … Continue reading

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Google Streetview Launch

On November 18, 2010 went to launch street view in Germany: blessing or a curse, yet? November 18, 2010 was an exciting day for all who have redounded to the company Google, because Google Street view went on this day … Continue reading

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Deutsche Telekom Deutsche Telekom

New features and improved user guidance – most trusted Internet brand: ‘European Trusted Brands 2013’ T-Online.de presents now a retreaded website. In the focus are so readers now, for example, at first glance can see the current location weather this … Continue reading

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