Frum Of Family – Conceptions Of Citizen

Frum of Family: Conceptions of Citizen 1 Polyanna Silva Goronci Federal University of the Espirito Santo Summary: It is intended to evidence the importance in narrowing the relations between family and school in order to search possibilities in the learning of children with educational necessities special. To tell, leaving of a documentary analysis, the conceptions of citizen of the special education contained in official documents and acts of one frum of families; reflecting on the place that this citizen if finds, as well as the constituent paper of the familiar ones and the school. It was considered that it stops beyond the citizen definitions, fits to the school and the family, about a constant exchange of experiences, to think about the citizen that ' ' faz' ' , that it is capable to reach the objectives of education. Word-key: Educational conceptions of citizen, necessities special, participation of the family _________________________________________________________________ necessary school of the family, not but to involve it knot its educative model, but also stops to enrich adding it stimulatons. School and parents are resources inside of community that, together, does not deplete all its possibilities, its information sources, etc …

(Sacristan, 1999, P. 230). To think about a school that fulfills its missions without falling in the isolation of its proper rituals is to think the school that it dialogues in general with the community, and about particular, with its inhabitants and its families. It is treated to create in the outskirts of the school ' ' … communities related for bows right-handers and forts that approach the people around the projects that are of incumbency of all they … ' ' (SACRISTAN, 1999, p.226). Is to create one ' ' ns' ' so ample how much possible in the relations that they measured learning and the permanence of the pupils in the school.

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